Attendance Policy

All students must maintain an 90% cumulative attendance rate. Monitoring periods are done to keep the student advised of their progress leading up to potential payment periods which must meet Satisfactory Progress.  Satisfactory progress (SAP) evaluations will be given and signed off by the Director and student at following periods:  450 hours, 900 hours, and 1200 hours for Cosmetology students and 450 and 900 hours for Barbering students.  All absences must be phoned in or emailed on a prior school day or prior to start of scheduled class time. Any student leaving early must sign out,  swipe out with his/her time card for the day and let the front desk (for booking purposes) and his/her learning leader know.  All students are given five (5) infractions.  Students must meet a 90% cumulative attendance to meet Satisfactory Progress. This leaves a 10% amount of time that they will be allowed to use for other emergencies such as sickness, doctor’s appointments, and emergencies with family members, and/or personal matters needed to be taken care of by the student.  Students do not need to bring in doctor’s notes, lawyer or court documents, etc., as they may miss up to 10% time of the program clock hours (150 hours for Cosmetology; 120 hours for Barbering – both based on completing the entire program) for any needs that they may have. Any extended period of time should be referred to our Leave of Absence Policy if it is applicable under the LOA policy.  Any student not calling in or emailing on the day of an absence may be written up on the Student Advisory Form.

Students are given three (3) days total during their contracted enrollment to come in late. Students attending the day program utilizing their late days must notify the front desk that they are coming in late and are using one of their late days. Students are allowed to come in at 10:15 a.m. only on these three (3) days. Night students will be given a total of three (3) days as well to come in late at 6:00 p.m. Night students must also notify the front desk that they are using one of their late days and cannot come in past 6:00 p.m. After students have used their three (3) late days they will not be allowed to stay after their respective start time of their class.

Day students start at 9:15 a.m. Tuesday – Friday and must be in class by 9:30 a.m. at the latest. Night students start at 5:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday and must be in class by 5:45 p.m. at the latest.  On Saturdays all students start at 9:00 a.m. and must be in class by 9:15 a.m.  No one can use any of their three (3) late days on a Saturday. No one will be allowed to stay in school on a Saturday if they arrive after 9:15 a.m.  

Based on the importance of the learning level in CORE, all Students in CORE may only miss a total of three (3) days maximum.  CORE consists of two hundred and ten hours (210).  The Director will decide where the Student will start with the new CORE class and the Student will retain their amount of hours prior to their leave.