Institutional Refund/Drop Policy

The refund policy for Hair Expressions Academy - Paul Mitchell The School - Jessup is consistent with the requirements in the Code of Maryland Regulations.All refunds are based on hours scheduled to attend.The student will get a refund calculation (if applicable) based on the Maryland Higher Education policy.The policy for Maryland Higher Education Commission is as follows:

  1. If the school closes or discontinues a course or program, the school shall refund to each currentlyenrolled student monies paid by the student for tuition and fees and monies for which the student is liable for tuition and fees.
  2. All fees paid by a student shall be refunded if the student chooses not to enroll in or to withdraw from a school within 7 calendar days after having signed a contract
  3. If the student chooses not to enroll after the 7-day cancellation period but before the first day of instruction, the school may retain the application fee or registration fee, or both.
  4. If, after the 7-day cancellation period expires, a student withdraws after instruction begins, refunds shall be based on the total contract price for the course or program and shall include all fees, except the application, registration or enrollment fee and any charges for materials, supplies, or books which have been purchased by, and are the property of, the student.The minimum refund that a school shall pay a student who withdraws or is terminated after the 7-day cancellation period has expired and after instruction has begun, is as follows: (All refunds are based on scheduled hours for Hair Expressions Academy - Paul Mitchell The School - Jessup))
    Proportion of total course or program refund: Tuition taught by date of withdrawal:
    Less than 10% 90% refund
    10% up to but not including 20% 80% refund
    20% up to but not including 30% 60% refund
    30% up to but not including 40% 40% refund
    40% up to 50% 20% refund
    More than 50% No refund
  5. The date of withdrawal or termination is the last date of attendance by the student.A refund due a student shall be based on the date of withdrawal or termination and paid within 45 days from the date of withdrawal or termination.
  6. In the case of an official leave of absence, if a student fails to return to training by the end of the leave of absence, a refund due a student shall be based on the date of withdrawal or termination and paid within 45 days of the scheduled last day of the leave of absence.
  7. Any monies due to the student shall be refunded within 45 days of formal cancellation by the student as defined earlier in this section or formal termination by the school, which shall occur at the end of any month in which a student has been absent from class for fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days as determined by weekly monitoring of attendance, the student is expelled by the school, or the student notifies the school.In the case of a student who does not return from a leave of absence, the scheduled last date of the Leave of Absence is the date of withdrawal.
  8. The school will maintain on file evidence of a refund having been made in applicable situations.The school will also send a copy of the refund to the student either by electronic mail or regular mail.
  9. Keep in mind that when Title IV funds are returned, the student borrower may owe a debit balance to the institution.