Codes of Practice

Codes of Practice are guidelines designed to promote an efficient, effective and pleasant educational atmosphere. By becoming aware of what we expect from you and what you can expect from us, we hope to eliminate any misunderstandings that would serve to make your tenure with us any less than the great experience we know it can be.

  • Alcohol/Drugs/Alertness: All students must be in fit mental and physical condition to perform the work required. Alcohol and/or drugs are not tolerated anywhere on the premises. Any student feeling ill or tired should stay home and rest.Any student sleeping or napping during class time will be asked to sign out and leave for the day.

    Possession, use or under the influence of drugs or alcohol on school property or during school hours will be grounds for immediate dismissal.
  • Professional Image: All Students must adhere to the following professional dress code while in attendance:
    1. Students may wear black or gray in any combination.
    2. Phase Two Students may wear black , gray, or white in any combination.
    3. A minimal print in clothing is acceptable if it is a black and white print.
    4. Clothing should be professional and clean.
    5. Shoes should be black, professional, practical, and comfortable.
    6. Hair should be styled prior to arriving at the school.
    7. Any cosmetics should be applied prior to arriving at the school.
    8. The following is a list of acceptable dress:
      1. Jeans or clothing made of jean material if they are black or gray in color.Any rips or tears must fall below the fingertips, when standing up.
      2. Sleeveless tops.
      3. Sweatshirts, printed T-shirts, hooded sweatshirts and/or jackets with the Paul Mitchell logo or the school logo may be worn.
      4. Stylish hats, scarves, and stylish head wraps.
      5. Shorts and/or skirts that fall below the fingertips.
    9. Tights or leggings should be worn with skirts or dresses that fall above the knees for all Students.
    10. Name tag — as provided by the school.All Students are required to wear a name tag while in attendance.

All barbering Students must adhere to the following professional dress code while in attendance:

  1. Barbering Students may wear all black or gray, to include a button-down shirt.
  2. A straight tie or bow tie may be worn in black, gray, yellow, or red.
  3. Accessories may be worn in black, gray, yellow, or red, which include: a belt, arm-garter, suspenders, jewelry, and/or shoes.
  4. A barbering Student may wear a smock, in black only.
  5. Sweatshirts, printed T-shirts, hooded sweatshirts and/or jackets with the Paul Mitchell logo or the school logo may be worn.
  6. Fedoras, flat hats, or ascot caps may be worn.

The following is a list of unacceptable dress for all Students in attendance:

  1. Gym workout shoes, foot thongs, or beach sandals.
  2. Tank tops, spaghetti string tops, or belly shirts.
  3. Sweatpants.
  4. Sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts, jackets and printed T-shirts other than those with the Paul Mitchell logo or the school logo.
  5. Shorts and/or skirts that fall above fingertips, when standing up.
  6. Baseball hats, visors, bandanas, caps, or beanies.
  7. Spandex or biking shorts.
  8. Headphones, headgear, and/or earphones are not permitted in the classroom or the clinic classroom.
  9. Sunglasses.

Students who fail to comply with the Student dress code may be coached and may receive an advisory.

  • Being Prompt: School doors open at 8:55 a.m.each morning. School starts at 9:15 a.m. and students will not be able to clock in any later than 9:30 a.m. We want to instill good work habits, the first of which is being prompt. Part-time evening class students may not enter the school after 5:45 p.m. Saturday hours for all students is 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. Students, on Saturdays, will not be permitted to enter the school after 9:15 a.m.
  • Staying with your Class: Students are assigned to a specific area and are not permitted to leave that area without informing their instructor.Students who are not in their assigned location will be clocked out and sent home.
  • Unauthorized Persons: Relatives, friends and clients are restricted to the front only. Visitors wishing to attend classes or gain access to the students must have an appointment or approval from a staff member.
  • Professionalism: Having a professional attitude includes speaking professionally. Any future professional threatening and/or disrespecting in a verbal (including use of profanity of any kind) or physical manner towards another student, instructor, employee, or guest, will be automatically expelled.
  • Service Assignment: As a learning facility, it is our belief that we learn by our experiences. All students are required to provide service to clients and refusal to do so will result in that student’s being sent home. If a student is not feeling well, the student should be resting at home.  Client-service assignments are not transferable.
  • Mutual Respect: We have the utmost respect for you, our student.We will speak and act toward each student accordingly. We, in turn, expect our students to treat our staff, instructors, clients and each other with respect. We reserve the right to send students home who do not uphold this rule and who cause class and clinic disruption. Continued discipline infractions will result in immediate dismissal.
  • Clean Up: In the spirit of generating good teamwork, we must all clean up after ourselves. This should become a habit, and should occur immediately after you have finished a service. Each student will be asked to a do a small chore on a daily basis as to keep the school in order for the next scheduled class. Students will be instructed of this during sign up and orientation and are asked to please abide by this on a voluntary basis. At the school we work as a team as it makes it easier to get things done.
  • Client Awareness: A satisfied client makes for good business.Repeated carelessness, sloppiness or complaints about a student from clients will result in that student being refreshed in client communication. Such remedial work on client communications will continue until the instructor assesses that the student is ready to to work with the public again.
  • Smoking: There is NO SMOKING either in the school or on school premises (anywhere near or around the building).No Warnings.
  • Services: Students may have their hair done once a month on designated days.Students may do relatives hair (mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, and their children only) for free Tuesday through Thursday. The relative will pay for the actual product used, at the school’s discretion. Norelative may be done for free on Friday or Saturday, as the clinic is too busy on those days – No Exceptions.They will pay full price on Fridays and Saturdays.
  • Parking: Local parking is available at this time but is not guaranteed as the school grows for day and evening classes. Parking by the students is permitted only in the perimeter of the entire shopping center. Day CORE and PROTÉGÉ classes will have assigned parking.
  • Damage to Client Clothing: Students are responsible for their clients’ clothing and failure to use protective measures, such as proper draping, may result in a students being charged for damages. Using plastic capes for all chemical services and maintaining an awareness of your client will prevent accidents from happening.
  • Insurance: It is the responsibility of the student to carry his/her own medical insurance and to insure all of their own personal belongings, including kit items. Any insurance that a student may acquire is optional and not required.
  • Re-admittance of Student: Any student dismissed for any reason may re-apply to the school. Re- admittance will be at the sole discretion of the Director. Student may be accepted back a maximum of only one time and will return with their same clock hours and all prior passing exams. There will an additional $100.00 Re-entry fee.
  • Palm Scanner: A student who forgets to sign in/sign out will not be credited for that day if they have not alerted administration and punched in/out with the palm scanner, since this the only way we will know if they attended school that day.(All students must also sign in/sign out every day to receive credit for that day). NO student may at any time sign in or out for another student, or they will be immediately terminated.
  • Payments: All payments to the school may not be later than 10 days or the student will be asked to pay amount due prior to continuing. All financial obligations must be met prior to two weeks of graduation.

As with any large group of people, it is important that we have rules and the leverage to enforce them. Infractions of these rules can result in the student’s suspension or termination. We at Hair Expressions Academy - Paul Mitchell The School - Jessup, wish all students to have a happy and enjoyable educational experience. All rules and regulations are established for the good of the team as a whole, as well as to promote organization and structure. Our priority is to provide the best education we can, and for our students to be the very best they can be.