Other Rules for Hair Expression Academy - Paul Mitchell Partner School - Jessup

If you do not follow the rules that are there for everyone, you will need to decide at that time to either withdraw or be expelled by the school 

  • Any  student  borrowing  any  other  student’s  supplies  for  any  reason  without permission from the student will be automatically given a warning.  Any student taking or stealing any item of any other student or property of Hair Expressions Academy - Paul Mitchell The School - Jessup, will be immediately suspended and/or expelled from the school.
  • All cellular telephones must be on vibrate or turned off during school hours.  Calls must be taken in the hallway or outside.  Students may stay on the phone only during breaks, or lunch, or will be asked to leave for the day if they stay on the phone for an extended period of time during all other times. Text messaging as well as earpieces must still all be used in the hallway or outside. This pertains to all students and learning leaders.  No exceptions.  Headsets (i.e. iPods) may not be used at all during school hours.
  • Students will not use telephones in the school – all messages coming in will be given to the student (students may use the phone to book appointments or with permission from Director in case of an emergency).
  • Students may work on their own or another student’s hair only on a designated day with permission from instructor.  Also, each student may have his/her hair done only once a month in order to give other students the same opportunity.  Any student working on another student that day may not have his/her own hair worked on because that would then take up the entire day or evening for that student. Students wishing to get their hair done on a day that is not hair day must clock out and pay full price for the service.   
  • All students must pay for any and all retail and chemical products used on themselves, prior to any services performed.
  • Clients take priority to any student’s service being done.
  • Students must be able to work on any assigned client on any given day they are in school or they must go home due to their refusal to work on a client. Refusal to work on any client, for whatever reason, will be an automatic expulsion, unless student has prior approval from Director.
  • Students will not enter the dispensary, learning leader office or employee lounge, for any reason, without an instructor or the Director.
  • Beginner students may not work on any paying clients prior to having achieved 400 hours as well as friends or relatives prior to 350 hours experience unless they have prior permission from the Director. 
  • All school areas will be cleaned each day (to include work areas, eating areas, as well as all food in refrigerator must be disposed of daily). This applies to both day and evening classes.  Each student is given a small chore so that the school may be ready for the next class.
  • Students may not contact the instructors at home for any reason but they may instead leave a message on the school telephone line.  Students may not get or give staff phone numbers for any reason.
  • Students may not collect monies from a client unless approved by Director or instructor.
  • All students must charge appropriate fees for all services.
  • All students must park in assigned spaces. Failure to do so will result in first- time suspension, the second time in expulsion.
  • All students must sign out for all breaks and lunch.
  • Students, after obtaining 400 hours working on the clinic floor, are asked to please let the school know the previous day or the morning of that they will not be attending on a Saturday, as Saturdays are extremely busy in the student clinic.
  • Students not keeping themselves busy during class will be asked to participate with their respective class.  All students must attend his/her respective classes (i.e. theory, specialty class).  Next warning the student will be asked to leave for the day, followed by suspension, and expulsion after repeated warnings.
  • Students disrupting class and constantly arguing with other students or instructors will be given a warning, followed by expulsion.  Any student having a problem with another student must discuss it with the Director and the involved student, in order to rectify the conflict.  Any student or students continuing their conflict after being warned by the Director will be immediately suspended and any continuation thereafter of the problem will result in expulsion.  We do not tolerate students gossiping, bullying, name-calling, or picking on other students for any reason.  As with any large group of people everyone must try their best to be polite and get along with their fellow students and instructors.
  • Students having problems with attendance (absences or tardiness) will be put on a probationary period as described in the attendance policy section.   If a student fails to maintain or correct attendance problems within the stated time frame, the student shall consequently terminate themselves from the school at the conclusion of the probationary period.
  • Students having a question about work being done on a client or practical work to be done should check with current instructor. If student feels this is not the correct answer, the student may ask the current instructor to seek advice from another instructor or Director.
  • Students must meet an 90% cumulative attendance to meet Satisfactory Progress. This leaves a 10% amount of time that they will be allowed to use for other emergencies such as sickness, doctor’s appointments, and emergencies with family members, and/or personal matters needed to be taken care of by the student. Students do not need to bring in doctor’s notes, lawyer or court documents, etc., as they may miss 10% of the program clock hours for any needs that they may have. Any extended period of time should be referred to our Leave of Absence Policy if it is applicable under the LOA policy.